Friday 28 February 2014

Setting Yourself Up for a Fall

This is a new poem, I think it can be read in several differeny way and can be related to most things in life that require some sort of risk. For me, I think I put too much faith in others to make me happy, when actually I am perfectly capable of doing it myself (even if sometimes it doesn't feel that way). Sometimes in life I feel like I hold back from doing something or saying something because I am scared of what will happen, but we can never be sure of what will happen. So maybe sometimes it is best just to try?

Setting Yourself Up for a Fall

From the outside you look to have it all,
Inside you're just waiting for the fall.
The higher you get the bigger the drop,
So when do you know the right place to stop?
Expectations are now harder to judge
Those niggling thoughts won't ever budge
So you take a step further from the top
Now when you look, there's not much of  a drop.
One hand reaches to go higher than before
The other is scared of touching the floor.
Risking the pain and hurt that might come
Is it worth it climbing up just one more rung?

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